Misc. RP Information
Message me anytime if you wish to RP If you cant find me here, or https://everafter.online/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1079 you can find me either on Xbox, PSN, or Steam. Link, and Xbox and PSN name will be below. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheSW40Rhino/(For best RPs) Discord: andrewrhinomarston
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Ice White
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Red Shield with a gold cross and grey border in the center
Detailed Personality
Generally quiet and not talkative, he is quite confident in speaking when he needs to. While he is a calm and collective stallion, he can change in a heartbeat. A workaholic to the bone he does take time to relax. If you approach him, speak to him with no hesitation otherwise he may ignore you if he is in the working mindset. If he is out in a chill mood he will gladly speak to even the soft-spoken.
Formerly: Tarkonia / Officially: Manehattan
Manehatten High School Dropout
Detailed History
BIRTHPLACE: Andrew here is not from Equestria. Rather he was born on a distant island far from Equestria known as the Island of Tarkonia. An island burning with chaos and Anarchy as the island is at constant wars with its dwellers. His mother however was an Equestrian that stumbled upon the island by accident during a freak storm at sea, and his Father a Tarkonian that found the mare washed ashore. Tarkonia was the place he was born, but not raised.REFUGEE: Growing up was a challenge for young ... View More
Andrew has only a few offensive spells, but he specializes in Defensive Supporting spells.OFFENSIVE SPELLS;Dragons Fury: Uses most of his mana to case an enchantment to his signature revolver and the six rounds in the chamber, rounds pierce almost any armor or magicDEFENSIVE SPELLS;Magic Barrier: Able to create a wall of magic that deflects most magic attacks and some physical attacksGUN SHIELD: Casts a small shield on the end of his revolver that can be used to divert ranged attacks away from h... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 8, 1995
Last Login:
December 2, 2024
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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