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Publish Date: December 11, 2017
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE Finally after 6 and a half years, we finally have a standalone boops page. Boop notifications will now link to this boops page. That way, mobile users can more easily continue their boop wars.... View More
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Bright Brave
More fun to come.
Like June 18, 2024
Chiller Sway
Hmmm This is good Although...
Like June 18, 2024
Baps soon (tm)
Like June 18, 2024
Chiller Sway
Like June 18, 2024
//You were supposed to descalate the boop conflict, not give everyone a nuke xD
Like June 18, 2024
Boops must live on! Mwahahaha
Like June 18, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
No... Calaco has transcended into the Boop Verse. We can't help him, he is beyond our power.
Like June 18, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Why am I locked out of CA on PC by nignx 403 Forbidden? There’s gotta be SOMEONE that has been blocked out too.
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Interesting. Just as a sanity check for me, what URL are you trying to access ?
Like April 18, 2024
That is strange. Possibly the server was having a bit of a hiccup, but I'm not aware of any specific machine being blocked by us.
Like April 21, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Btw it lasted for like two weeks I think.
Like April 21, 2024
Canterlot Avenue Development
BUG FIX A long standing bug preventing users from deleting comments on their own statuses and posts has been mitigated.
Shifter Burnside
WTH happened to the login is this place becoming HTML?
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You may been having local issues connecting to or loading the site. Try clearing your browser cache.
Like March 3, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Umm.. I’m using a phone.
Like March 3, 2024
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE Additionally, we added a new dropdown section to the main menu with direct links to discover characters with your same RP interests. Other RP genres and search parameters can be selected usin... View More
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE Hope everypony is having a great February. Happy belated Hearts and Hooves Day to each and every one of you. Today, we want to announce that users can now select their preferred RP genres to ... View More
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE The following locations have been added to character locations: - Frozen North... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
But what about the Stickman HQ or the USF HQ? *Sadness* (I know they're not official locations, lol)
Like February 6, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Like February 6, 2024
Auroricorns make the best music
Like February 6, 2024
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE Forgot to mention this one. After several years, new forum posts will display on the feed again. Replies will continue to stay off the main feed.
1 person liked this.
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE Liked pages and joined groups are now accessible via dropdowns in the sidebar menu. This feature has been released to all users.
Canterlot Avenue Development
UPDATE We got our January con season updates coming up! Firstly, page like updates will no longer appear on the feed.
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