Misc. RP Information
A regular Pegasus living a regular life, light Pyrokinesis, but just to make friends and live a busy pony life, being a cook and baker, dancing at night, and doing art by day. Any Role play is accepted
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Manehattan, Ponyville, Canterlot, and somewhere
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Blue star with wings
Design Description
A teal Pegasus with light Pyrokenesis, a talent to cook, play instruments, act, be caring, and drawing. He loves to be outgoing but does need time to himself. Sometimes he May act random but his life is somewhat bizarre and staramge things to occur. He can fly extemly fast, move clouds, and take a steamroller falling on him (happens once a week. No one knows where they come from) he dress to impress and love cookies. Full time chef and part time best friend this stallion can really wow people!
Cookie, Dancing, Collecting, Sports, and Parties
Those who would use others for personal gain or belittle
Detailed Personality
A usually cheerful stallion who goes on adventures and sometimes find himself into trouble. though he usually gets out of it unharmed, it's usually best to live a peaceful life. He love chocolate almond cookies, love bean burgers, doesn't mind insults as long no one is hurting anyone physically, and will defend what he loves when he needs to. Also he loves flying fast.
Cook and Baker
Some college, but he fell
Detailed History
As a filly, he grew up with a loving mother, but a broken father. He was given the best education, but he felt like some pony don't get a chance like his. before his father passed his last words was to never give up, to always keep fighting. He tries his best to take care of his mom and sister, working many hours to pay their bills and his own. He like hanging out with friends, but most are busy as well. He don't usually have time to talk to mares and to date, but he's willing to give it a shot.... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
He get's 4,000 bits a month, owns a small house on a hill, near his mother's, and some land for fresh food.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Cooking, Cleaning, Baking, Pyrokinesis, Advice giving, friendship, dancing, and decorations.
Pyrokinesis and teleportation (only in small bursts)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 12, 1998
Last Login:
June 1, 2019
Member Since:
March 11, 2019
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