After all this time, the inevitable had finally happened. Peony had given the teashop her all, All that she had had left in her life in the passing few years were Her cafe and Appy.
It Is quite a dark day for Appy, His mother had finally passed away after multiple years of taking care of her and her cafe. Appy was speechless, standing infront of the Teashop. Looking up at the sign above the door With his mother's smiling face on it. Appy smiled a little bit as he stepped inside.
He looked ...
Now to tell you a bit about her shop.
Amore Ore, Such A lovely name for a small shop near the docks! The shop is rather small, but Ingot does not need a big fancy shop with the latest tools to do her best.
She had bought the shop from her old teacher Steel Ideal, he was too old to keep working so he sold his shop to her as he retired.
Ingot is a hardworking blacksmith from Baltimare. She had lived with her parents in Fillydelphia until she was 17.
She moved to Baltimare to get closer to the ocean. She had always been very intrested in the ocean but never had the chance to travel. So she set up shop in horseshoe bay to watch the ships and to listen to the ocean.