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Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on August 27, 1996
Misc. RP Information
I RP in third person narrative, usually a paragraph or two at the shortest
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
the resturant she works at, nature areas around ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A paint brush, and the symbol for mental health
Design Description
Athena is a taller then average mare with long white hair and a yellow coat, and is often seen wearing a purple turtle neck sweater.
Art of all mediums, nature, litsening to others
exceptionally loud and rude ponies, dirt
Detailed Personality
Athena is generally soft spoken and kind, however she still finds it hard to talk to ponies she doesn't speak to on a daily basis.
Professional training in business and economics
Detailed History
Athena spent her foalhood growing up in a exceptionally wealthy family, a family with a hoof in nearly every major company across Equestria. Because of this, she spent early years living in luxury, however, as she was the oldest of her siblings, she was chosen as the heir to the family name. This didn't effect her life too much, sure, she wasn't allowed to attend normal schools like the rest of her siblings, or spend time with any friends she might have met through other means, and yeah, all the... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small home in Ponyville, enough money to live off of, and various art supplies
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Athena is skilled at many mediums of art, however, she is still working to regain her lost talent of painting
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 27, 1996
Last Login:
August 14, 2018
Member Since:
July 2, 2018
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