Misc. RP Information
Will mostly do:Slice of LifeRomance
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Seaquestria
Skin / Coat Color
Cerulean Blue
Eye Color
Emerald Green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A train drawn on a piece of paper with a quill next to it
Design Description
A blue Pegasus stallion with navy blue mane and tail, as well as a rounded muzzle
Trains, sweets, carrot cake, to read romance, fly and swim
Impolite ponies, being seen as a mare
Detailed Personality
Azure Train is a determined and polite Pony. He loves sweets, trains and thrills, loves to prank but also to hug and snuggle. He also enjoys reading anything related to romance. However, he doesn't joke when it comes to work, and can be stubborn sometimes.
Train Engineer
He ended his studies succesfully. He was an A-straight student in 10th grade
Detailed History
Azure was born in Cloudsdale, to a Pegasi couple. His early childhood saw the beginning of his passion for trains, popping up as soon as Dad offered him his first train, when the little one was still a foal. The bare sight of that wooden toy train was sufficient to make a strong tie between the Pegasus and trains blossom. This taste for trains grew even stronger once he earned his Cutie-Mark, right after drawing a train to perfection! However, it'd be a lie to say that Azure's teenage years went... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Azure has a little house in Cloudsdale and earns 3500 bits a month thanks to his train engineer job.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Azure's special talent is train designing, and a Seapony friend of him gave him the ability to shapeshift into a Seapony when he pleases
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 17, 2001
Last Login:
April 28, 2024
Member Since:
April 7, 2018
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