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Male. Lives in The Badlands,  Equestria. 20 years old
Misc. RP Information
I will bite others until they give me my attention >:3
Gay 100%
I'm also very clingy, if you want me to do things for you then feed me fruit!!!
I'll do anything for fruit. *^*
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
In Ponyville eating fruits or pulling tricks and pranks
Skin / Coat Color
midnight purple with soft hints of blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A crescent moon with the colors of the homosexual flag.
Design Description
Batz mane and tail colors are all shades of blue, purple, and pink. his coat texture is soft and fluffy. His hooves are loud and shiny blue. Batz has sharp teeth kind of like a sharp but his fangs are longer. His wings are huge but he was never taught how to fly so he relies on his appearance to hide from others in the dark. Batz pupil is dark purple with cat eye slits for their pupil
(Fun Fact: When Batz feels strong feelings such as embarrassment, happiness, nervousness, or even love his fur wi... View More
Fruits pulling tricks and pranks and sleeping in the sun
Negative outcomes / people
Detailed Personality
Batz is loud and hyper, he tries to cling tight to his child self even though he's all grown. He is helpful but sometimes messes up. Batz is shy around new people but will warm up to them the more he hangs out with them. He sometimes is overprotective but overall he's just really silly.
Survivalist and Adventurer
Self-taught and somewhat guided by some family or strangers.
Detailed History
Growing up Batz was always being bullied or made fun of for having a "forbidden interest" and for loving poetry. As time went by he ran away as far from home as possible, since no one really taught him how to fly he decided to move around more at night. Allowing him to hide easily from danger or anything really due to his appearance.
Batz has a cutie mark of the crescent moon but the moon is the color of the homosexual flag. He doesn't know anything about the colors but doesn't mind it. Could th... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Hiding and surviving.
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Last Login:
May 10, 2023
Member Since:
April 19, 2023
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