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Bingo Drumsticks

Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 8, 2001
Misc. RP Information
Hello! I've been roleplaying for a long time, though I often am a bit unmotivated to roleplay, added to the fact that I don't exactly have too much free time, I still enjoy sharing and telling stories with other fellow pony lovers. I am a huge sucker for romance, I can be really into that lovey-dovey sh*t. Who doesn't need a bit more "cute" in their lives? I also love action and adventure, I mean if it says anything about me, I LOVE Dungeons & Dragons. But I'm very much open to anything, I just ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Out and about in town, exploring forests, music shops, any
Title(s) / Rank
(MLP) None (Fallout: Equestria) Rank: Private First Class
Skin / Coat Color
Tan / Beige
Eye Color
Caramel / Orange-y brown
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
2 wooden drumsticks forming an X
Design Description
Tall, Slim build. Medium length mane, Dark Grey with dark crimson highlights. Usually wears black sleeveless jacket and blue bowtie.
Music, adventure, companionship, outdoor activities
Pretentiousness, selfishness, cockiness, raisins
Musician, shop owner, adventurer
School for Gifted Unicorns of Canterlot
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 8, 2001
Last Login:
February 13, 2023
Member Since:
February 13, 2023
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