Misc. RP Information
Nineteen year old pegasus
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot or Cloudsdale
Skin / Coat Color
Black/Grey Blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A dark blue snowflake shaped like a star
Winter, snow, the cold, games, the moon, nighttime, Luna
Summer, the sun, warm weather, sleeping at night
Detailed Personality
Blazing Shadows is a very sweet pony who loves the night, She idolizes Luna and her moon. While originally terrified of heights and flying, she saw The Wonderbolts when she was a filly, and fell in love with the idea of flying, and so she tried very hard and became an amazing flyer.
Was a Wonderbolt, now a member of the Royal Guard
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Flying, leading, taking charge