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Blue Lilly

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on June 9, 1995
Misc. RP Information
Credit to SlaveDeMorto for profile pic
Skin / Coat Color
Pale Blue
Eye Color
Birght Purple
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Golden Lotus Flower
Design Description
Physical: She has short hair, bright purple eyes, she is short and slim
Personality: Quiet and reserve but blunt and straight forward when she needs to be she enjoys reading and alone time. She is a neat freak in her mind everything has a place and should be put back in its place or she will flip her lid.
Healthy Foods
Her pet bird
Clean and Organized spaces
And most importantly QUIET
Detailed Personality
Blue is for the most part a quiet and judgmental type, for the most part she tends to keep to herself but is not afraid to voice her opinion about someone or something if provoked or annoyed. She is very blunt and to the point in most her interactions she very rarely wasted time talking or beating around the bush, this tends to leave people liking her or hating her. Blue is extremely clean and organized to the point of obsession everything is arranged the way it needs to be and is clean so don't... View More
Owner of the Spa Lilly Pad Spa
Born in Canterlot, Lives in Ponyville
Detailed History
Blue Lilly was born on January 18th 1997 To father Blue Heart and mother Lilly Ponds thus how she got her name. Not to long after her birth Lilly's mother dies due to complications with childbirth. Lily was always an extreamly smart child but always seemed to have trouble making friends due to her different hobbies and interest so she spent most of her times in books or paying with her older, adopted brother Ice Note. By the age of 12 Lily had grew a small garden of a wide varieties of tea and s... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 9, 1995
Last Login:
September 18, 2021
Member Since:
May 4, 2019
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