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Briar “Thorn” Spark

Female. Lives in Ottawa,  Equestria. Born on February 6, 2003
Misc. RP Information
Not much to say apart from my preferred method of RPing being story text. Example:
Actions, “Dialogue!” More actions.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Lakebed, Canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Cherry Red
Eye Color
Misty Grey
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A cartoonish bomb
Design Description
Briar Spark, or better known by her alias of Dr. Thorn, is a well known scientist in the region. She's proud of her accomplishments and likes to work as tech support, dealing with minor technological errors, as well as doing her own share of research in the field of electronics.
Unique sounds, tinkering, mathematics, fantasy stories
Dead silence, too organized of a workspace, bomb jokes
Detailed Personality
Eccentric with a racing imagination, she comes up with things no sane pony should probably be thinking. She draws frequently in her free time, usually blueprints or diagrams of sorts. She has a bit of a danger kick, throwing herself into all sorts of risky situations for “research”, and can’t focus well in too organized of an environment. She always needs some form of chaos or background noise to produce her best work.
Technological Researcher (Scientist)
Crystal Empire
PhD in Technology and Computer Science
Detailed History
A crystal pony at birth, Briar grew up in the central square of the Crystal Empire. Even as a child, her interest in technologies and sciences was apparent. She was one of the last in her class to earn her cutie mark after crafting up a makeshift bomb that went off during one of her lessons, cracking her horn to the point of breaking. She never fully recovered from the explosion, having lost her shine and walking with a limp even today, but after moving out, she purchased her little lab and buil... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Lakeside Laboratory
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Skilled at making things in a pinch, using supplement parts to fix things rather easily, and a quick thinker, finding the solutions to problems quickly.
Basic spells such as levitation, teleportation, and a few others such as an electricity generation spell and a magnetism spell, as well as minor self levitation, able to give herself a slight hover after jumping.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 6, 2003
Last Login:
September 20, 2018
Member Since:
January 18, 2018
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