Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Most likely a Inn, Bar or on the road to the next town.
Skin / Coat Color
zebra patern, though a grey base color with darker stripes
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
no mark (there are claw scars hidden under his flank's coat)
Design Description
Broke is a grey coated zebra with darker stripes, topped off with a nice black mane and white details, his mane also sports a small multicolored braid on the edge of the shaving line, as for his frame he is smaller than average though making him that much more agile while making him look more like a mare than he would like, especially with the effeminate voice he is stuck with. Broke usually can be found around wearing a red ragged scarf and bandaged up legs which are all topped off with a paw o... View More
Getting drinks, traveling and being laid back.
You'll need to find out for this one ;)
Detailed Personality
A first impression of Broke would leave you with little information on the smaller then average, striped, dark grey stallion. You might even think that his social awkwardness due to his sheltered upbringing is kind of sweet, of course it would be unwise to underestimate him based on first impression, under his loving and unintimidating petite frame resides a less then intriguing character as his time growing up in the hollowed out earth that made up the mining camp caused the hybrid to grow bitt... View More
Traveling around the world, trying to stay on the move.
A slave camp in the desert.
Broke grew up in the desert camp, he mostly learned about survival and resource gathering as well as the use of environment, he seems like a perfect camping buddy.
Detailed History
The slaver tribe of the Ascari, a mix of ponies and zebras whom try to make a profit from the ores and gems that are buried in the desert, is where it all begun for little Broke after being peddled on the slave market.Landing days where the hardest as he had no one to rely upon or fall back to, forcing him to live in the shadows of the cut out stone tunnels that reached deep underground while doing his working part, as time passed by and hunger ever present he turned to do some questionable jobs... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Not too much in the property department as he travels a lot, he does carry a panfluit like instrument with him.For assets he has a red flag from his old mining life that he uses as a scarf to remember the good old days.Bits are a day to day difference for this little fella.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Broke is a pretty good survivalist as his knowledge on the outdoors is rather substantial.Besides that he has a nimble athletic build that allow him to be a rather quick individual, drawback is that he is on the weaker side of the spectrum.
Skadiddle, Skadoodle.. you know the rest.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 25, 1992
Last Login:
February 13, 2023
Member Since:
July 4, 2018
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