Misc. RP Information
I'm not the greatest at roleplay if I'm honest. But I'm willing to give it a shot sometimes. :)
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Everfree Forest, Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres
Skin / Coat Color
Dusty Brown
Eye Color
(Left eye - Green), (Right eye - Blue)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An Electric Guitar shrouded in flames
Design Description
Burning Axe is slightly taller than the average Stallion. He has a dusty brown coat, with dusty accents on his fluffy chest, and muzzle. Silver cloven hooves, a fiery red and orange mane and tail. He has one blue and one green eye. (Fun fact, I have one blue and one green eye in real life. :3) Burning Axe also carries around and Electric Guitar with him when he travels long distances. He likes to play it when no creature is around, usually sitting on the log in front of a small pond just outside... View More
Eating apples and Timberwolf bark, playing guitar, training.
Fire, Nightmares, and himself.
Detailed Personality
Burning Axe, though mentally scarred, is a caring and free spirited pony. He tries to better himself every day because he considers himself never good enough. He will do whatever it takes to save another creature in trouble. Burning Axe thinks of Zecora as a mother. As he lost his Birth mother at a young age, Zecora has helped him over the years, guided him, and helped him in times of need, and helping become the kind pony he is today. Though as kind as he is, living in the Everfree for some man... View More
Burning Axe went to the Ponyville School house for one year before he left the town and went in to hiding after the fire.
Detailed History
Burning Axe, born "Inferno Melody" grew up in Ponyville. But after a tragic accident involving his family home being reduced to ash after a freak fire, and the loss of his parents, the young colt of 6, fled from Ponyville, finding his way to the Everfree Forest. He was attacked by Timberwolves on his first night, the night his parents died, and he himself almost died. However the young colt was saved by Zecora, a local resident of the Everfree. She nursed him back to health, and the young colt f... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Burning Axe's only property is the guitar which used to belong to his older Brother. He was given it the night of the fire. He has no money to his name, minus any dropped items often left by creatures who leave them behind in the Everfree forest. Burning Axe puts anything of interest in his cave. Though he has no need of money, he doesn't even really know what it's for.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He can play the Guitar. He's good in a fight, and can learn his enemy's moves by studying them in a fight. The same trick never works twice on him, he learns fast. If strength is a talent, he has that too. He's capable of lifting things over 5 times his own weight at a push.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 6, 1993
Last Login:
June 16, 2021
Member Since:
August 1, 2019
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