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Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on February 20, 2002
Misc. RP Information
Rp is not to be taken as irl. I play the character. I am not the character. I dont care too much on how lengthy a response is seeing as half the time I cant even come up with a paragraph. Just as long as I understand what's being written.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
In the woods, at home, or at his shop
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A bee
Design Description
A 20 year old stallion of average height and with a lean build. He his not very strong but can at least hold his own weight. He can usually be seen wearing his brown scarf around his neck. His eyes are teal but he usually barely keeps his eyes open to try and hide them. On days where he doesnt keep his eyes barely open when in public, he will wear a pair of dark gray shades to hide his eyes (reasons for this thing with his eyes will be revealed in rp if it comes up). He only ever fully opens his... View More
Video games, drawing (sometimes), sleeping, watching shows
Large crowds, heights, silence
Detailed Personality
He is a bit socially awkward. Maybe even a bit of a dork. He was always quite different in his tastes and has always been a bit afraid of judgment. He usually keeps to himself and doesn't say much unless someone talks to him, or he's trying to sell products. If he becomes more comfortable around someone, he really starts to open up about himself.
He is a licensed therapist but chose to take up bee keeping instead. He did so mostly because it is relaxing to him.
Detailed History
There is not much to him. He lived a pretty normal life as a child. He was born and raised in Fillydelphia by two loving parents. He was always been considered a bit weird and has always been on the antisocial side. He opted to usually keep to himself and not be much of a bother. When some kids started picking on him about his eyes, he got into the habit of barely having them open only enough to see, but not enough for others to see. At home he would keep them fully open. He was never a confront... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A two story home in the middle of Ponyville, 4 bee boxes in his backyard, 30,000 bits saved up.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Is good at listening, can be quite observant when he wants to, or when he happens to be paying attention. He is a decent artist but due to his extreme lack of motivation, he hasn't kept the practice up much and rarely does any art anymore. He is also a decent shot with a bow and has decent martial arts skills (enough to be able to at least defend himself if pushed into a corner).
He can not perform magic like a lot of creatures can, but he does have knowledge on certain magics....Let's just say, there is a reason he tries to stay far away from magic.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 20, 2002
Last Login:
February 18, 2025
Member Since:
December 4, 2018
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