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Male. Lives in no,  Equestria. Born on April 1, 1900
Misc. RP Information
Simple and easy rules
Rule one:Don't be an ass
Rule rwo: Have fun
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere he needs to be or wants to be
Title(s) / Rank
Captain in his union branch, Co head reaper
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Black Sclera with red pupils
Design Description
He is a male from the realm of equinox a realm that of which has been locked off since it's creation in this realm there is no sun no stars, only 3 moons a red moon blue moon and green moon they come out at different times of the night he grew up in the outskirts of the equinox kingdom known as dread out valley as a child his father was rather abusive and his mother was a scared depressive woman with no back bone he spent years in depression pain and sadness but one night his mother took him and... View More
Food,Sweets,Cold drinks,Dark places,sleeping, being lazy
Working(At times) Being harassed,sleeping on the floor.
Co head Reaper. Captain in his union branch system,
Some valley in the south of Equinox
Taught by his older sisters and peers as time went on.
Detailed History
You can find that out in RP
Assets / Bits / Property
Enchanted backpack with near hundreds of supplies and items he packs and refills monthly
Skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 1, 1900
Last Login:
June 28, 2022
Member Since:
February 10, 2018
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