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Male. Lives in Lethbridge,  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on July 24, 2009
Misc. RP Information
My main storyline involves trying to get the large amount of energy to get back to my home planet.
Common locations your character will be
All around the world
Title(s) / Rank
Dimensional traveler
Skin / Coat Color
Unknown, as the exo-suit obscures that
Eye Color
Unknown, but the visor us yellow
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Post-apocalyptic, Humanoid
Design Description
A 6'2 human that wears a black and yellow colored exosuit that obscures most biological features. He wears a pistol and Plasma-Saber on his waist, and a high caliber rifle strapped to his back.
Drama, documentation, Justice, Honor, Chivalry.
Cockiness, unhinged behavior, irresponsibility.
Detailed Personality
A chill man who will help out in a pinch, he claims to be an interdimensional traveler, he will ask things about this world and write them down. he will not hesitate to shoot those who threaten those he protects.
World hopper
Detailed History
He comes from a futuristic version of earth, he works as a world hopper who documents findings from other worlds. He's seen some terrifying, and cool things. But this world is unique. His teleporter was low so he tried going to earth, although it malfunctioned, now he's here.
Assets / Bits / Property
Not much.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He's really good at hand to hand combat and using weaponry, he's also not half bad at tracking and stealth despite his massive exo-suit. He is also fast, as the suit aids him in speed, he was trained to improvise around scenarios and solve problems in pressure.
He is from a world where magic doesn't exist
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 24, 2009
Last Login:
September 24, 2024
Member Since:
September 11, 2024
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