Misc. RP Information
Well I do have more ocs but I will only focus on my main oc, because that's the one i actually have drawings of and use when i play online, it will be very rare to see me as one of my other ocs and anyway Windy is the only oc I have rped with in the past and have a little info about so yeah ^^Name: Windy CamoRace: UnicornGender: MareAge: 29 (born June 13th 1989)Talent: MagicStrenghts: Great at magic, loyal, dosen't back down from a fightWeaknesses: Mad with power, can't controll herself if she g... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Most common locations is Canterlot Everfree forest Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A purple orb connecting 5 stars with lighting
Design Description
She prefers to be alone, but she does have other friends which she tends to if she needs some pony to talk to. she has a somewhat soft skin and can't really remember any of her family members, due to the fact that she was abandoned as just a little filly.
Magic school, school for gifted unicorns
Detailed History
Back Story:She was an abandoned filly, that was forgotten by everyone, all she ever wanted was to get noticed by her parents, who just threw her away and left her in Canterlot and she also wanted friends, but instead she grew to hate everything and everyone, she started searching for something that could make her take controll over Equestria ended up living inside a library where she studied and became very powerfull untill the day she started at the school for gifted unicorns, which she passed ... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
She is great at magic
She knows pretty much every spell, a pretty powerful unicorn, most uniqe spell, is her cutiemark purple orb spell, she can also fly with levitation spell on herself(like starlight XD)
Basic Info
Last Login:
September 24, 2020
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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