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Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on April 1, 1997
by on January 19, 2024
It's been some time since I've visited this land. Lots have changed and it still fills me with a sense of wonder. I wonder if I can find some old pals of mine. Wouldn't doubt it if they've moved on from Equestria but I do hope I can find them again. Or make new friends in this new age
317 views 2 likes
by on October 9, 2020
Day 1 I have just recently arrived to this land and I think I should start keeping a journal to document my travels. The forest I find myself in has a serene, calm like presence in the air. So far I have not run into any sentient creature yet. Hopefully the natives are friendly and willing to interact with me as the last country I visited so long ago has. So many faces that I have come across as well as names just seem to blend into one happy memory from that place; maybe I shall find those f...
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