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Cherry Sherbert

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on September 3, 1993
Misc. RP Information
-No god modding. If you want to interact with my character, please try to use attempts whenever possible. -I prefer to RP in IMs, but will use other formats if needed. -I am almost always looking for a RP, so don't be afraid to message me!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Crystal Empire
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Light Pink
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An ice cream cone
Design Description
Cherry is about average height for a mare with a curvy figure. Her bright red coat resembles a bright red ruby and her mane and tail tend to bounce a little as she walks around. Her eyes are a light pink and her blushes tend to show up as a pink tint on her cheeks instead of the usual red. She is fairly graceful in her movements but also often has a bubbly mannerism.
Ice cream, Baking, Plushies, Art, Pets, Dancing, Ice Cream.
Detailed History
Cherry was born and raised in the Crystal empire to her mother, a crystal pony of noble blood named Amethyst Sunset, and her father, a simple baker named Cookiedough. After running away with cookie. Amethyst was disowned by her family instead of marrying the stallion her family had picked out for her, causing fighting between the noble families.
In her youth, Cherry was a fairly normal young filly, completely unaware of her noble heritage for a large portion of her life, She attended the crystal ... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 3, 1993
Last Login:
September 14, 2022
Member Since:
September 30, 2020
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