Misc. RP Information
Christopher is a young stallion with a brilliant mind and caring personality. While he doesn't prefer to talk about his childhood, he does seem to be a bit of an introvert at times but... It really depends on how you treat him. He's a halfbreed between a Pegasus and a Earth Pony, which left his wings rather weak at a young age and couldn't exactly fly for a small portion of his life till his teens. His current caretaker is his former babysitter Jennifer, who took the boy in after his broken home... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
School, work, park, library, or just walking down the road.
Skin / Coat Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Golden Shield, with a rolled scroll resting behind it.
Design Description
When Christopher was a child, he had a more innocent appearance than his later years. His mane was a shambled mess, tangeled and curled to the point of no return. Christopher's wings were also a lot more smaller when he was a child, due to them being underdeveloped while he grew. Squinty eyes were always common for the young lad, due to his poor eyesight.During his teenage years, Christopher still held his innocent charm. He was shorter than other stallions his age, along with his smaller wings.... View More
Detailed Personality
Childhood: Christopher held the naive innocence as any young foal with high hopes for his later life. He was able to maintain his innocence and grow. He's caring, loving, and a lot more easy to gain his trust.Teenager:The young stallion stands tall from his younger years and lives to learn from it, growing alongside his adopted mother while learning along the way. He holds a caring personality, despite those whom he met, but he's always a bit onguard for any who seek to gain something from him.... View More
Detailed History
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Skilled in Photography and singing, in his later years he takes on writing. He's a smart lad too.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 22
Last Login:
September 16, 2024
Member Since:
December 10, 2017
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