Misc. RP Information
I’m relatively chill and am not really into all the extreme RPs. Especially the edgy ones. I exclusively use an asterisk for of RP and I really just enjoy the bar and pub scenes where I can watch Common Sense fade away from the world. (Says he hates edge then makes an edgy and dramatic comment. Yus!) Also I’m not really one to engage RPs. Not that I’m shy per say but... yea more awkward than anything I guess. With that being said though, don’t hesitate to strike up RPs or just miscellaneous conv... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Most likely either in his bar, another bar, or his apartment
Title(s) / Rank
Master of Common Sense, Bartender
Skin / Coat Color
His coat is a dark, ashy gray.
Eye Color
A faded or dusty orange.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Faded dusty orange exclamation point and question mark. !?
Design Description
He is a taller, dark gray Pegasus, although he hardly uses his wings, with dusty orange eyes and mane. His Cutiemark is a large exclamation point next to a slightly smaller question mark, both the same dusty orange as his mane. Typically with a quizzical or disappointed expression due to those around him.
Bars, ponies with common sense, relaxing with friends.
Edge, ponies without common sense, Fighting amongst friends.
Detailed Personality
More or less your average, run of the mill Joe. He lacks any real special talents or traits other than his keen sense (a curse more than anything) for ponies’ lack of common sense, or in laymens terms, ponies’ stupidity. Other than that he is a really nice and enjoyable pony to hang out with.
Owns a bar down in lower Manehattan, close to his apartment.
Manehattan born and raised.
Went to Manehattan University for four years to pursue a degree in Finances that he didn’t really want.
Detailed History
~To be reworked~
Assets / Bits / Property
Used to work as a broker up in Manehattan as such he now has an apartment there and enough bits to support what he enjoys doing now: traveling (by this he typically just goes wherever he is in good company and that has a bar within a 2-3 mile radius).
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Whole lotta nothing. Is alcoholism a talent?
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 22, 1999
Last Login:
October 8, 2018
Member Since:
April 19, 2018
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