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Daine, Logan & Socks

Other. Lives in Outside of Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 22
Misc. RP Information
Daine is an Earth Pony but has a fused Magical spirit dwelling within her
Logan Is a Pegasus
Socks is Half Earth pony/ Half storm
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Lodge outside of Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
First Hyperion
Skin / Coat Color
Daine:Mocha/brown Logan: Brown/maroon Socks Dark brown
Eye Color
Daine and Logan:Green Socks: Red
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Daine is a Brown Earth pony mare with green eyes and a tan and brown mane and tail
Logan is a Brownish maroon Pegasus with green eyes and a sky blue and brown mane and tail and has a small set of extra wings underneath his normal wings
Socks is A dark brown foal with red eyes and a short black mane and tail
Daine: Her kids, Reading and Smithing
Daine: Her Enemies and Pineapple
Defender, Monster Hunter
The school of that is Life
Detailed History
[It's complicated. Short version: Imprisoned by a Primordial spirit and forced to destroy things, defeated it with the aid of another Spirit and defends Equestria as a guardian. Brother was revived by a different type of spirit and needed aid from the first spirit now the two siblings fight. Along the way Daine got kids.]
[Story Ongoing]
Assets / Bits / Property
Lodge Outside of Ponyville
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Daine has forms of Geomancy, Pyromancy, and Order magics
Logan can animate art
Socks has some but can't use them properly
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 22
Last Login:
November 13, 2024
Member Since:
January 8, 2018
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