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Page Pulse

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on June 8
Misc. RP Information
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Ponyville (Sugarcube Corner), Manehatten (Anywhere)
Title(s) / Rank
Performer & Heiress (Unclaimed)
Skin / Coat Color
Slighly Off-White
Eye Color
Bright Powder Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Quarter Note that forms half a heart with a colored ribbon
Design Description
Page Pulse is an off-white mare with wide, bright blue eyes. She has a curly, pale pink mane with a purple segments across her forehead and behind her ears, curling beside her cheeks. She is below average height for a mare but makes up for it in positive attitude! Her tail is styled like that of an old fashioned unicorn (in where it is like a lion's with fur/hair styled at the end) due to having unicorn blood on her mother's side. She has fluffy, down-feather like fur around her neck, shoulders ... View More
Music, Sweets, Warm Sunny Days, Making Friends, and Dancing
Dark Isolated Rooms, Quiet, Bullies, Sour Foods, Potpurri
Detailed Personality
Page is a very bright and bubbly mare of small proportions who enjoys making friends and keeping them. She's energetic and enjoys outputting it in little bouts of singing and/or dancing.
She's got a huge Sweet tooth and has a strange love for spicy foods. Or any food for that matter, unless it's sour.
Pagey's often overly affectionate with touching and unnecessary hugging and squealing, sometimes making her seem annoying to certain ponies.
Her love for music and the art of dance trumps her love ... View More
Performer (Often a Lounge Singer)
Highschool, Private Tutoring in various Musical Branches
Detailed History
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets: Magical Bag From Mom™, iPod that Sister made, (more to be added later)
Bits: Has quite a sum saved away/ Isn't any where near being poor/ living comfortably
Property: An apartment in Manehatten and a House in the Outskirts of Ponyville
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Many ponies first notice her voice
But She's also able to play the Piano, Violin, & Guitar professionally
And is currently learning to play the Harp
Is an Earth pony despite her parents but can channel magic to her voice and body to add to her performance (i.e. Make her voice louder, body lighter, stamina last longer, etc.)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 8
Last Login:
October 2, 2022
Member Since:
February 11, 2018
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