Misc. RP Information
(Art made by Casteroki)Just here to enjoy adventure type roleplays, romance/erp is acceptable but it must be worked into as most relationships would. History will update as rps are being done!
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Everfree forest, Beyond Equestrian border.
Title(s) / Rank
Crystal Wielder, Hero
Skin / Coat Color
Light Crimson
Eye Color
Crystal Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Sword and Shield.
Design Description
A strikingly different looking pony who lost his limbs in an accident that occurred when his village was attacked at a young age. Losing his normal limbs, he was found by a group of griffons who, through a series of difficult medical procedures, managed to attach artificial limbs to him. These limbs are usually made to help griffons who have lost limbs, and due to their structure, they allow Darkfire to stand and move easily on two legs. This also makes Darkfire much more proficient in combat as... View More
Honorable ponies. Those who will look past exterior looks.
Uptight and judgmental ponies
Detailed Personality
This is something you'll have to get from bonding with Darkfire, he tends to keep his past away from most ponies.His true name is hidden to most of the world, and his most known name was given by himself at a young age as a foalish way to escape his past.
A small village called Tesria, far away from Equestria.
Self taught in combat and most general survivalist knowledge. Has a somewhat decent grasp of medicinal arts as well.
Detailed History
Darkfire once lived peacefully out in an area called the farlands, in a small village called Tesria. From a young age he trained with his mother Black Velvet in the art of swordplay and magic. He was destined to use the powers of six elemental crystals to protect the farlands and any other land in need. However the simple peace didn't last for long. A force simply called the corruption attacked one day, ponies were left slaughtered in the street, not much could be done as Dark and his mother tri... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A satchel that contains a small dimension inside where Darkfire can hold all of his gear/money. It can only be opened by himself or those he trusts.Always carries certain items outside of it however, usually a weapon and some armor, along with money of any general area that he may need.Current Gear:Weapon: A holy sword known as the Mercurius. It is swift as wind, but fierce as a flame. Does extra harm to those of negative affinity or those suffering corruption.Miscellaneous other martial weapons... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Can cast magic despite being an earth pony through his bloodline as a crystal wielder. Magic is cast by absorbing magic energy or mana from the air itself and then storing it for later use. Dark's body can also process and purify corrupted sources of magic in the air with no ill effects. The crystals passively increase his traits and can be shattered to massively increase those traits as well as provide special abilities.Shattered crystals regenerate after a long rest and are soulbound (linked) ... View More
Darkfire wields magic based on the six elements of the world. These are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Life, and Death.Fire magic is used very offensively. In combat it just does as fire does, burns. It can be used to make small explosions and traps. It can be used as utility magic however, lighting candles, melting snow and ice, etc.Water magic is mainly supportive as water can take most shapes. It can trap foes, help heal others, and even drown foes in the worst of situations. The utility is endles... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 29, 1992
Last Login:
August 18, 2024
Member Since:
May 30, 2018
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