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Misc. RP Information
Any grouping of three dashes in this info section is dividing between Purple and Astral. If there's only one set of characteristics, it'll be for Astral
Astral is very flirty with most creatures- exceptions based on the other character (Or a other character involved) being too young or if she thinks someone is 'too innocent' by her standards (Mostly consisting of me deciding OOC)- If you want a wall RP, be mindful that quality might dip very slightly because I'm restraining her. She is absolutely... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere --- Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
Heritor Royal --- Doctor
Skin / Coat Color
Light purple --- Bright Green/Deep Purple
Eye Color
Black 'whites' with yellow irises --- Wine red/Bluish purple
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Ever changing --- TBD
Design Description
Cute mares, Cheesecake of all kinds, Math, Socks
Starswirl, Forests, Being recognized as nobility, Lettuce
Friend --- (Formerly) Lab Assistant
Zxo - Yteer - Hanhea - Ip --- Canterlot
Knowledge of language taken from the mind of the first pony Purple saw upon arrival.
Basic knowledge of how to fly from the first pegasus she saw.
Astral earned her Doctorate in magic from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, though unlike some her youth wasn't spent there, instead graduating from a more normal Canterlot school first.
Assets / Bits / Property
Nothing really
Astral has a steady flow of bits from her former research institute after her incident. It's not enough to live in luxury with, but enough to survive off of. She owns a house in Ponyville- where she had planned to spend retirement anyway.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Purple is well practiced at lying, and doesn't see any moral problems with it. However, with her very limited- practically non-existent- knowledge of Equestria, her lies are easy to spot.
She's excellent at counting and math.
Astral has an extraordinary mind, able to calculate large equations in just a few seconds, alongside all the other scientific and magical knowledge stuffed in there.
But her real talent is tying multiple different types of knot with just her mouth. Or at least, that's what ... View More
Astral Veil, despite being accepted into Celestia's School, doesn't really have that much magical power. Many spells are just straight up beyond her. She is however very skilled in the field of spatial distortion. In general, of course, but notably she has her greatest failure. A spell that brings limbo- the space between realms- to an object or pony and binds it to them. Intended to be the first in a series of spells for crossing universes, the method for reversing it was- and still is- flawed.... View More
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