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Evergreen Chrysalis

Male. Lives in Detrot,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on September 28, 1998
Misc. RP Information
For those that recognize me from Ponysquare, hiya. Welcome back. How's it been? Been a while.
For those who don't, hiya. Nice to meet you.How are ya?
So, just a heads up. I may not be all that long or detailed in my responses. Simply because rping is meant to be fun. And if I hold myself to line counts or whatnot then it ends up feeling less like fun and more like a school essay.
I'm open to ideas as far as rps go, though I usually stick with romance being either the focus or a main element. And th... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Changeling Hive, Crystal Empire, Everfree Forest
Title(s) / Rank
Ex-prince of the changelings, prince of the Crystal Empire
Skin / Coat Color
Dark grey
Eye Color
Light blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Detailed Personality
A fun-loving changeling hybrid glad to be a part of pony society and no longer stuck in the old ways of the hive. I'm happy, carefree, and loves to be around my friends and family, though I'm not too keen on large crowds
The Changeling Hive, though I wouldn't call it a home
Growing up in the Changeling Hive during my mother's reign doesn't make for much in the way of education. But I did learn a lot from my Aunt Twi in terms of magic and friendship and such. Does that count?
Detailed History
Born as Pesticide Chrysalis in the Changeling Hive as the son of Chrysalis and Shining Armor after the Canterlot Wedding fiasco, my mother did everything in her power to ruin my childhood in hopes I'd become evil like her. It didn't work and i ended up befriending a changeling named Killswitch who also wasn't as evil as my mother, so we ended up becoming friends. Suitable, seeing as the rest of the hive was made to bully me on my mother's command. He was the only one that stood up for me. Until ... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 28, 1998
Last Login:
October 14, 2019
Member Since:
November 29, 2018
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