Misc. RP Information
Roleplay Type: AnyBlah blah blah = IC((Blah blah blah)) = OOC
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere and Everywhere. She likes to travel.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A blue and gold quill with a trail of rainbow ink
Design Description
Doodle Flare is a white mare with blue eyes, a long, curly, mane and tail of red orange and yellow, and a red heart-shaped marking on her forehead. She wears gold-colored glasses, occasionally carries an orange saddle bag, and can often be seen with a pencil behind her ear. She is average height and weight.
Music, Travel, Making Friends, Sweets, Entertaining Ponies
Trains, Coconut Flavor, Family Functions, Firm Beds
Detailed Personality
Doodle Flare is a very driven pony. She talks a lot and has a tendency to put her hoof in her mouth. She likes to draw, write, sing, dance, and odds are if you can think of a creative medium, she likes to do that too. She's stubborn when it comes to herself and has a hard time letting herself stop whatever it is she's doing. She also has an insatiable sweet tooth.
Studied as the personal student of a Unicorn named Boon Lore at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Currently on her final assignment given to her by Celestia.
Detailed History
Doodle Flare grew up a curious and outspoken pony. She was often left with her older sister as her parents were always on tour. During her entrance exam for school, she performed a feat that impressed a unicorn teacher named Boon Lore who decided to take her on as his personal student. During her time at school, however, she had started to stick out due to her lack of cutie mark. She was such a late bloomer that she was concerned she'd never find her talent. She finally earned it when she realiz... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
One (1) Magical Carriage, One (1) Cat named Noire, Three (3) Notebooks of varying types, and One (1) Magic bottle.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Has an incredible penchant for the creative arts and is growing stronger with her magic every day.
Theatric Muse - Signature spell that allows her to turn her drawings, writings, and singing into a magical performance.Teleportation - Weaker spell that she's still learning.Levitation - Advanced level.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 19, 1996
Last Login:
June 17, 2019
Member Since:
May 12, 2018
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