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Silver Whiskers

Male. Lives in Gem Isle,  Dragon Lands,  Equestria. Born on December 31, 2003
Misc. RP Information
Silver Whiskers is a Half Breed of a water dragon and a pegasus
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Hiding behind gemstones
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Grey, White
Eye Color
Blue, White(When open)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
(Doesn't have one
Design Description
Silver Whiskers almost never acts out, he is someone you would want by your side( That is if you want someone who's dopey, overly kind, helpful and unbearably forgiving.)
His insecurity(His golden fang)
Detailed Personality
If it came down to it, you could say he has a very child-like soft and kind personality, the kind in which a person is constantly saying one is better than them for some ungodly reason, and that's kind of how SW is. He's so much of that personality that many mistake him for an actual child.
Gem Collector
Gem Isle,Dragon Lands
What's this edgeucatun thing you speak of?
Detailed History
What's History?
Assets / Bits / Property
I don't even know what these mean.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He can remove his tail and a pegasus body is shown
He can create moon-like effects(works especially well on water during the night)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 31, 2003
Last Login:
April 19, 2020
Member Since:
April 14, 2020
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