Misc. RP Information
Bluey is a pony who wants to make friends and live his life as long as it takes.
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Canterlot, Wonderbolts Academy.
Skin / Coat Color
Almost Dark Blue.
Eye Color
Light Blue.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Duct Tape.
Friends, Making Music, Traveling, Sleeping during the day.
Being hated for being different than anypony else.
Detailed Personality
Bluey is Half Pony, Half Tartarus Demon, and there's this entity inside him that gives him powers such as Instantaneous Transmission, but all he wanted was friends and freedom of speech.
Detailed History
Bluey has been keeping his life a secret ever since he was just a foal. His history is very tragic when his parents died from a fire accident. He was sent to an Orphanage, but Bluey was clever enough to escape and live in the lonely streets on his own. He was never adopted nor even began a new family. During his time as a Teenager, he moved to Ponyville to find peace and possibly make friends. Before his arrival to Ponyvile, he felt empty until an unknown entity came from the depths of Tartarus,... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Instantaneous Transmission and Telepathy are the only impressive skills he can do.