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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on September 28, 1994
Common locations your character will be
Any place with booze and biatches.
Title(s) / Rank
Most likely to end up in prison.
Gambling, alcohol, chocolate, chaos, anything frowned upon
Rules, the man, and ponies touching her face (She bites)
Detailed Personality
Lark comes off as not giving any thought or care to what transpires around her. She goes out of her way to make jokes and laugh things off, but in reality she internalizes most things and doesn't want the world to see it. She is sarcastic and crude, but if she cares for some pony she will murder for them.
She helps with the family business.
Detailed History
Lark doesn't talk about it, nor should any pony ask.
Assets / Bits / Property
Lark is wealthy and lives on a large chunk of property.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Lark may not seem like a serious pony or threat, but she is proficient in hoof to hoof combat as well as has a basic understanding of most common weaponry.
She is skilled in the basics i.e. moving items, teleportation, and such. Lark can also communicate with her family through her magic.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 28, 1994
Last Login:
January 14, 2019
Member Since:
January 13, 2019
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