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Space Dragon

Female. Lives in  Seaquestria,  Beyond Equestria.
Common locations your character will be
Underwater, but can also be found on land or in dreams
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Detailed Personality
Explorative, curious, playful, affectionate, watchful, protective. Can be cheeky and a downright nuisance though, is a creature of chaos
Detailed History
Has scar on one eye where she was once blinded.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Defensive abilities: Armor chest plates and tail fin for shielding, regenerative slime coat can heal wounds. It has a ‘hardening’ phase where it turns into an armor-like shell as well. Lasts for about 20-60 minutes until it turns brittle and flakes off.
Offensive abilities: Axe-blade tail. Combined with the solidifying properties of her slime coat, it can be sharpened like a blade.
Flaws: Slime coat is produced by an injury, she cant generate it at will. Also it has an annoying sticky phase befor... View More
Basic Info
Last Login:
May 1, 2021
Member Since:
January 25, 2020
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