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Eirinn O'Brach

Male. Lives in  Beyond Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Greetin's, all! Just wanted to lay down a few teeny rules before we start!
1.) I won't be RPing with any sizeshifters, simply because that isn't too fun for me, with Eirinn.
2.) Eirinn is Irish, and has an Irish brogue. So keep that in mind.
3.) ERP is...Rare with Eirinn. But, you can at least ask.
4.)Eirinn does swear. But...I will keep it to a minimum.
5.)Eirinn is OLD. But, he is still young in appearance and manner.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
"Anywhere the wind blows!"
Title(s) / Rank
The Pied Piper of Ponyville, That Annoying Fox Twit
Skin / Coat Color
"Ya can see me mug, eh? I'm a red fox!"
Eye Color
"Only the bes' emerald green!"
Ballads, Tír na nÓg, roving
Being frightened, Grogar
Detailed Personality
Eirinn is a kind-hearted, noble fox bard, who adores playing tricks on others, just as much as a nice walk along the glens. He's intelligent, but rather naive, sometimes disregarding those nervous twitches his ears get when he's nervous. But, if you need a fox for a ceili, or a few jigs in town square, you can count on him! He also is a fine tenor or baritone, too.
Traveling minstrel/bard
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
-Instrument Playing; Flute, fiddle and acoustic guitar, along with singing
-Foxish Charm; He IS a fox, after all.
-Foxish Agility; Though not the most graceful of Fenfolk, he certainly IS quick on his feet.
Basic Info
Last Login:
November 10, 2022
Member Since:
June 22, 2019
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