Miss toxic pie

Female. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
This is a no OOC zone. if you want to talk to my master normally go to or go to the discord sever because you are roleplaying 24/7 in this account.
the link to the discord sever https://discord.gg/xFKr6ka
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
park,EOP HQ or in pony town( that game)
Title(s) / Rank
Leader of the EOP
Eye Color
Black eyes with Glowing green dot.
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Romance, Fandom AU, Monster
Design Description
Toxic Pinkie Pie:( Leader)
Toxlight Sparkle( Co-Leader)
VenomShy( shy but dangerous)
Rainbow Acid( the Rebel)
Raritxic( The Deadliest fashion)
PoisonApple Jack( The look-out)
respact, mares,nice ponies
rude ponies and drama.
The boss of a EOP HQ
studying females all over the universe.
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 15, 2025
Member Since:
January 24, 2019
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