Misc. RP Information
A Ponysquare refugee that escaped right before it was too late.Discord - Equus#4691Character refrerences:https://pre00.deviantart.net/5947/th/pre/f/2014/221/9/7/974118f195deb79d2ff4614043191c15-d7ugre8.jpghttps://orig00.deviantart.net/1f48/f/2017/239/7/a/horse_ref_for_horsesnhurricanes_by_gleamydreams-dblkhn2.png-----Don't feel like cluttering this page up with a big list of rules like I used to so just ask for anything specific. Am not really looking for TOO many RPs right now, but will certain... View More
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His work takes him all over Equestria! But mostly Cloudsdale
Title(s) / Rank
Head Climatologist at Climate Archive of Cloudsdale
Skin / Coat Color
Dull grey
Eye Color
Aqua green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
METAR symbol for thunderstorm with rain
Design Description
Dull grey, normal-sized pegasus with a long dark grey mane and tail, often a bit unkempt and covering a side of the face (though usually well-washed and otherwise tidy in appearance) Blue-green eyes and barely noticeable freckles. His voice, if you can imagine this, resembles a slightly lower pitched Sunburst, with more vocal cracks and a slight drawl.
Rain, food, travel, conventions, books, sleeping in, alcohol
Hot weather, schedule changes, crowds, stress
Detailed Personality
Friendly and approachable yet somewhat scatterbrained, Helicity is focused on his work, which went from being a hobby to being his actual job. Always up for helping friends, but you're probably gonna have to remind him more than once because he's likely to forget it. How he manages to file paperwork with this short-term memory issue is a mystery. Belying his warm and friendly nature, he is very reserved and unlikely to be found at social gatherings unless specifically invited. Think INTP on the ... View More
Head of the climatology data archive in Cloudsdale
High school and applicable college for his work
Detailed History
Helicity was born into an average middle-class Cloudsdale family. His father had a supervisory position on the maintenance staff at the weather factory, and his mother was a teacher before settling down. Given this background, he quickly learned of weather (indirectly) and the value of learning.A colt with a goal in mind from a young age, Helicity has always been fascinated by the weather. From his colthood days of playing on storm clouds, much to his parents' dismay, to his wide-eyed fascinatio... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Owns a small house (technically a converted abandoned railroad depot) and maintains his old cloud house above for storage, but not particularly wealthy. Think lower-middle class at best, but might well earn more in the future if he stays on at the Bureau in his position. A lot of income goes to buying books and other stuff which he hoards and clutters his house with.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Keen sense of memory for past weather, and past events; near encyclopedic knowledge of subjects relevant to his interest and job. An absolute reading nerd with a lot of book-smarts but little street sense. Also is surprisingly good at gardening despite there being basically no plants up in the clouds. Decent at sensing danger, pretty good at fleeing!
he can count to potato
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 16, 1990
Last Login:
September 22, 2024
Member Since:
December 5, 2017
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