Misc. RP Information
Eri's Voice Claim: Sucrose (Genshin Impact) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa2THHVO0M4Grim's Voice Claim: Electro Cicin Mage (Genshin Impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP9xDHN6FzE ((EN is ~1:05))Eri's full name is Aerian
Skin / Coat Color
Dusty Teal
Eye Color
Pale Violet
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
i'm working on it lol
Detailed Personality
Eri is a nervous pony. A magician-in-training, currently attending a small universiity, she's very much one for booksmarts and the like, though she's currently trying to force herself to be a bit more outgoing.Grim, on the other hand, is brash, loud, and proud of it. She enjoys taunting Eri constantly, though she's also rather clear that she cares much for her master.