Misc. RP Information
Adam can make his guitar levitate without a horn to make battles easier even though he's a pegasus
Common locations your character will be
Title(s) / Rank
Commander of the Exorcists
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Fandom AU, Crossover
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Golden Guitar
Design Description
Adam is a pegasus/Angel (depends on the universe) Most of the time, he wears a mask that appeared similar to other Exorcists, though with normal-looking eyes and golden facial expressions. The mask also has a pair of horns similar to an Exorcist, albeit longer, smoother, and with a golden ornamental attachment on the tips. Under his mask, he is revealed to be a yellow pegasus (or fair-skinned angel) with golden-yellow eyes that have dark bags underneath, a stubble-beard on his chin, and slightly... View More
Himself, Ribs, Music, Putting his name on stuff
Math, Radio, Jazz
Detailed Personality
Adam appeared very egotistical and unsympathetic. As the leader of his Exorcist army, he took his stance as the Exorcists' head figure very seriously, sending antagonistic threats towards demons and anyone for standing in their way or whoever disobeyed his command, as he did so with Vaggie.He also displayed traits of extreme narcissism and chauvinism, believing himself to be the perfect man and claiming he had never made a mistake in his life.Adam is also sexist, despite this, he seemed to have ... View More
Exorcist Commander
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Flight, Immense strength, Enhanced endurance, Musical talent, Axe proficiency, Leadership, Strategic mind
Nephokinesis, Angelic Power (+ Portal creation and Alteration), Photokinesis
Basic Info
Last Login:
April 2, 2024
Member Since:
March 25, 2024
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