Misc. RP Information
Though she is made of ice cream, Mint Chip /can/ stop the ice cream from flowing, and leave herself as a waffle cone pony, with chocolate for her mane and tail, though, the waffle cone isn't nearly as hard and stiff as it should be. She is just as soft as a normal pony, and no amount of pressure will crack her, so hug away~!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere there's ice cream.
Skin / Coat Color
Waffle cone legs/ Mint Cip ice cream body
Eye Color
Minty Green~
Design Description
Mint Chip is a pony that was on the receiving end of a.. Curse, if you could call it that, and forgot her past. The curse, turned her body into waffle cone, her mane and tail into frozen chocolate, and somehow her body endlessly seeps a delicious dessert, mint chocolate chip ice cream. You can see the waffle cone only on legs, as the ice cream doesn't cover them fully.
Sugarless food.
Detailed Personality
Mint chip is.. Well, she's happy and excitable, and a bit hyper at times. She is also very loving and will make it a point to show that love to those she likes.
Feeding ponies ice cream!
None, she has no formal schooling.
Assets / Bits / Property
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Her body will infinitely, and instantly replenish any of the eaten/dripped ice cream, so long as she intakes sugar.