Misc. RP Information
I'am always open for RP's but please please PLEASE contact me first to discuss what we are going to do, as being thrust into a random story with no context of what we are supposed to be doing will result in me just dismissing you.And my roleplaying i like to RP like this ( "Hello how are you?" offers a paw as a greeting ) and i tend to forget proper Grammar sometimes but normally my responses will be long and i will try and keep my lengths atleast as big as my partners just to keep everything fa... View More
Common locations your character will be
At the Station or at a nearby cafe or bar
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Pat or Patrick is a Bombay breed of feline with sleek black fur and bright orange eyes, he isn't very tall only really standing a couple heads taller than a normal earth pony and has quite a strong build but still seems a little nerdy.
Complex Machinery, Tinkering, Reading, Doing a good job.
Illegal matters, Fighting, misuse of machines .
Detailed Personality
Pat is quite a nerdy fellow at heart, but with his background he can become a little sharp with people or even sometimes aggressive, but most of the time he will have a cool head on his shoulders and new ideas springing from his mouth constantly even if they are bad ones
Having no education when he was young he used the money he scraped together to get a college degree in engineering and health and safety, then took an apprenticeship at a local fire station
Detailed History
Pat grew up in the slums and learned to be an adult early, stealing for food picking pockets and the like, but that normally would end up with Pat being beaten if caught or sometimes arrested, so when he turned into a young adult he tried gang life running with a small gang making drops and collections, but the older he grew the more his eyes opened to what he was doing and what his actions were affecting everyone around him, yes he learned how to fight to live on these streets but he couldn't a... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 29, 1995
Last Login:
December 11, 2021
Member Since:
October 7, 2019
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