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Peppermint Twirl

Female. Lives in  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on August 11, 2000
Misc. RP Information
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She lives in Fillydelphia, frequently travels to baltimare.
Skin / Coat Color
Dusty Rose and Off White
Eye Color
She has heterochromia! her left eye is red, her right grey.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a peppermint candy
Design Description
A pastel pink mare with off white markings. Her mane is a slightly more saturated cool-toned pink styled like an uneven sort of bob. Her eyes are shaped like rounded right triangles and she wears light eyeliner. her left eye is a pale grey, her right a darker, desaturated pink. She has fangs on the side of her mouth (on the outside, her actual teeth are straight with a small gap between the front teeth. (see reference image to know what i mean)
She's a rather tall mare, standing at 6 feet tall (a... View More
Peppermint, Baking, Sunflowers
Spearmint, Large animals
Detailed Personality
Personality wise, she's definitely an optimist! she's active at first, but she mellows out over time. she's strong-willed, honest to a fault, a little spacey and tends to lose focus easily. she likes to argue and feel like she's in the right. she may or may not have a secret life....that's up to you to find out!
She's a bit of a coward when it comes to serious situations EXCEPT for when there are children involved.
entrepreneur; owner of The Peppermint Palace.
Detailed History
Peppermint Twirl grew up in foster care, moving households frequently. She never had a solid family, which she seems to not think much about. maybe you'll find out more in time? Once she hit adulthood, she moved out into her own home and renovated it to become her very own business, The Peppermint Palace!
She discovered her special talent of baking after harvesting mint leaves and mixing them into some pre-made brownie mix as a foal. She has an uncanny ability to cook/bake things to perfection!
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Baking, Gardening, Painting
She's an earth pony :p
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 11, 2000
Last Login:
August 30, 2022
Member Since:
May 17, 2019
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