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Female. Lives in Centre,  Las Pegasus,  Equestria. Born on July 7, 1992
Misc. RP Information
She's an emotional cider drinker (if you've seen 'The Break Up Break Down', you've seen it in the pony verse)
A canon character fathered Camera and Dolly, however she won't say who.
Being from the more middle class side of Trottingham, she has what would be a Cockney accent here.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Travelling...Mostly cities
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A video camera crossed with a paintbrush
Equestrian Lore, Orange Juice, jazzy music
Cats, academics, Hearts and hooves day
Detailed Personality
So, I admit to being passive aggressive. I have only a small collection of friends, most of them being work-mates. When I cry, I do it away from my friends. I'm an apple cider drinker. Outside of my workmates and maybe , MAYBE the occasional lover, I doesn't really talk to anypony that can't benefit me. I try to keep quiet for most ponies sake.
Independent Film Maker
High school, Bachelor in film and TV
Detailed History
Born in Trottingham to a Pegasi (my father) and an earth pony (me mum), I was the eldest of two. After me father left the family for another Pegasus he met at work, my mum had to work, so I was sent to a day-care...Probably earlier than I should have, at two years old. I only really had one friend through kindy to grade three.
During middle school, I collected about three new friends. I didn't speak much while I was in the group. I was a 'blank flank' for longer than most, and didn't get me cuti... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
I am renting a house in Ponyville. It used to be an apartment but after Cam and Dolly came up...I had to find a real place to stay.
So I'm the director equivalent of a C grade actor at the moment.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Filming, story-boarding.
Not really
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 7, 1992
Last Login:
May 19, 2020
Member Since:
May 13, 2020
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