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Female. Lives in I dunno what it's name is yet,  Equestria. Born on September 6, 1996
Misc. RP Information
Starfish cannot fly due to her wings being weak, but she can swim very well with them!
She loves sea creatures and hanging out with good friends...which are mostly sea creatures.
After moving to her home on a rarely visited beach, Starfish doesn't spend a lot of time with other ponies.
But that doesn't mean she isn't friendly! She loves to greet any pony that happens to come upon her little slice of heaven!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Her beach and Cloudsdale
Title(s) / Rank
She isn't that important, just a Pegasus who swims
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A strange shaped star
Design Description
Of what?
Learning new things, her family, her friends, sea creatures
Anyone disrespecting the ocean, hot climates, poaching
Detailed Personality
Starfish is curious, peppy, naive and assertive when she wants to be. She is always ready to lend a hoof, even if she makes a ton of mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes get her into lots of trouble, but she means no ill will to anyone. But Starfish can be a bit pushy and she's not very good at telling other ponies no when the situation gets weird, that fact gets her in a lot of dangerous places. But she's working on this so when someone wants her to do something inappropriate or wrong she can... View More
She doesn't have a job yet
She was born in Cloudsdale
Starfish went to school in Cloudsdale until she graduated college there, wait, do ponies even have college? I dunno.
ANYWAYS she did the best she could and graduated with the rest of her class. She wasn't the top student but she did her best to get things together and graduate. Basically she was average in school.
After normal school Starfish entered the college (?) and took classes to learn about the oceans and marine life of Equestria. Her passion for marine biology and the sea spiked to a n... View More
Detailed History
Starfish's mother, Seafoam, came from a long line of sailor ponies that traveled across all Equestria's oceans. Her Grandfather, Captain Crustacean (Captain Crusty) on her mothers side is a legendary sailor known by most of Cloudsdale due to his feats, but he has gotten considerably old so he usually just stays home now. His ship is a beaut still after all these years because he and his crew have it fixed up by an old friend in the Badlands, they love that boat to pieces, not literally.
Starfis... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Starfish doesn't own the unnamed beach she lives in, but she lives there non the less
As for bits? She isn't the richest of ponies, her large family supports her however and always helps her with this dilemma
She can swim as fast if not faster than a sea pony and is twice as skilled. She gained these abilities from YEARS of practice and her true passion for the sea.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Other than her impeccable swimming skills, Starfish can hold her breath under the water for considerable amounts of time. Her longest time being underwater is three hours.
She doesn't have any magic because she doesn't hang out with unicorns all that much. Besides, she doesn’t have a horn to use magic.
She is great at identifying sea life to see what is dangerous and what is not.
Nope. No magic for the Starfish.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 6, 1996
Last Login:
July 31, 2021
Member Since:
May 26, 2018
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