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Male. Lives in Hell,  Ponyville,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Pony/Changling/Moth Hybrid Val has 6 legs and has white fur around the bottom of his legs
Common locations your character will be
Hell/Ponyville (depending on the rp)
Skin / Coat Color
Muted Lavender
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Fandom AU, Crossover
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Bleeding Heart
Design Description
Valentino is a tall, slender, somewhat muscular moth demon/changeling (depending on the universe) with greyish-lavender skin and pupil-less cerise-pink eyes, over which he is always depicted wearing gold-rimmed, heart-shaped sunglasses with cerise-pink lenses. His mouth full of sharp, cerise-pink colored teeth, with a single golden fang that sits to his far left of center, a feature he shares with his employee, Angel Dust. He also has a long, pointed, cerise tongue.
Valentino's stature is tall, e... View More
Detailed Personality
Valentino has been described as being charming[note 6] and roughly as level-headed as his fellow Overlord, Vox.[note 7] When he interacts with Charlie in his studio he acts cordial around her while struggling to hide his anger and irritation that he would prefer to take out on one of his employees instead, such as Angel Dust. He does, eventually, show off his real behavior after some time. Valentino uses his charming persona in order to lure other Demons into working for him, as shown in "Welcom... View More
Hell/Ponyville (depending on the rp)
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Strength, Charisma, Flight. Multitasking, weapon proficency, bilingualism. contracts, artistic talent, singing and dancing
Typhokinesis (Smoke Constructs)
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 31, 2024
Member Since:
March 25, 2024
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