This might end up being more than one blog simply on the area of length.
I wanted to express my headcanon for the magic in the show and use in roleplay from my point of view, this is by no means a hard rule that I expect everyone to abide by when they RP with me, but it is the line of thinking that I follow whenever I make a pony who has a basis around magic.
On the forefront there inherently are two kinds of magic, active and passive. Passive magic is the type of magic that isn't cast or...
It had been a long day for Silver. Getting back into her career as a flight racer was a long process and a lot of publicity, this meant enduring interviews and tackling questions that she would not find very appealing. Alas, that is what it was if she were to become a coach or even reignite the passion of racing herself in the lower divisions of the leagues, not pleasant stuff.
These requirements to fulfil were what had her out of place. The mare at home left pacing back and forth as her mind ...