Misc. RP Information
((Hello! When I type with double parenthesis, that means I am speaking out of character (or OOC). I am very friendly IRL and do not mind talking to others, especially to rp with them! Don't be shy to approach and ask any questions about boundaries or what I like to do. Please be respectful and understanding, and I will very gladly return the favor! Please try to refrain from asking too many personal questions, as they make me uncomfortable. I am a guy IRL and like to roleplay as a hobby. I am no... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere he can sell his goods.
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A pickle
Design Description
Messy, floppy, somewhat curly/wavy green mane that's typically tied back into a ponytail. He keeps his bangs hanging, however. He's barely seen with a smile, and often in a grumpy mood. If his face isn't a neutral frown, it's in a scowl. His body is smaller than average and quite slender. Due to his occupation, he's often followed with the scent of vinegar. Many are usually displeased by this, although he doesn't mind the smell. His cutiemark is a pickle, due to his profession of pickling vegeta... View More
Pickles and other pickled vegetables, gardening, farming.
Celebrations, unnecessary words, and loud noises
Detailed Personality
Typically in a grouchy or sour mood. Doesn't tend to speak unless he is required to, and even then it's a feat to get more than a sentence at a time out of him. Isn't too keen on others being overly friendly with him, as he often thinks ponies who do this are trying to get something out of him.
Pickled vegetable maker/merchant.
Basic education, but knows a lot about gardening, farming, and the pickling process.
Assets / Bits / Property
A small piece of property where he can make his goods, as well as a cart that he often tows around, selling his goods to different places.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 3
Last Login:
April 17, 2022
Member Since:
February 12, 2020
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