Misc. RP Information
> I don't do NSFW roleplays, please do not ask me into doing any.> Please be aware I am usually quick to respond so, don't be afraid to take your time or ask me to slow down.> I wont always be on to respond. I could be gone for hours, days or weeks at a time depending on my mood/actually desire to roleplay/life.> I can adapt to your preferred roleplaying style if you'd like, I prefer narrative formats with long paragraphs but, if that isn't your style, I will gladly adapt. > Any roleplay we do i... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Crystal Empire, Everfree Forest...
Title(s) / Rank
Queen, Mistress
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Blue-Purple / Light Pink
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Heart with Small Crystal Wings
Detailed Personality
"Oh, personality... I've always written tests and looked at papers on what you could consider your personality. Some ponies simply just can't comprehend themselves. Neither can I honestly... Ahem. I'd say I'm a little shy but very opinionated, I like to let others know how I truly feel. That comes with some attitude problems and general "meanness". I feel like I might be generally petty and I don't really follow the rules. Oh! I love my hive more than anything and care about ever single brood, a... View More
Queen / Ruler, currently rules over a hive in the Everfree
The Crystal Empire
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 26, 2002
Last Login:
December 19, 2018
Member Since:
June 10, 2018
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