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Other. Lives in Yes :),  Equestria. Born on December 14
Misc. RP Information
big t h i c c boy with wacky eyes
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Cotton Fields, Plantations, Pubs
Title(s) / Rank
Big Stinky
Skin / Coat Color
Light Lavender
Design Description
His eyes have two colors, which often change, when he's in a passive mood, his eyes are blue (left) and red (right) when he's feeling hostile, both eyes are a crimson color.
Picking Cotton, sleeping, Picking more cotton, and el bosque
not picking cotton
Detailed Personality
Glitch is one heck of an angery boy, though around his friends and family, he's a bit LESS angery, but that doesn't mean he wont pop off whenever somebody says something dumb.
Cotton Picker
Detailed History
Glitch was found in the forest as a young colt, Often he'd be running through the forests, playing with animals, and picking the plethora of cotton in the forests, but one day a group of plantation owners came around the forest and took him, forcing him to work in their cotton fields, making him the head cotton picker, making them tons of money, while he was left w/ nothing, except the spare cotton he had, which he made into the clothes he wears now.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
he can pick talent like a god, sleeps like a bear, and has a very low tolerance for loud noises
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 14
Last Login:
December 15, 2024
Member Since:
December 7, 2017
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