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Emma Toyama

Female. Lives in  Equestria. 25 years old
Misc. RP Information
(Art isn’t mine, it was done by an absolutely amazing friend for me.)
Yeah Emma is back, the Asian Rapping Mare thing...
Thankfully I have quite a bit of time on my hands now a days so I should always be able to Rp! So don’t be scared shoot me a message if you wanna chat or Rp!
Emma won’t be for everybody, as she is played in a somewhat grittier setting of Manehattan. And even then just her whole main theme and aspects. She probably won’t be able to do a Sci-fi themed Rp. But I’m not against the ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Manehattan mostly.
Title(s) / Rank
Her rap name which is Scrim.
Skin / Coat Color
Bleach white.
Eye Color
Light purple.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A microphone sitting in front of a music note.
Design Description
She is short, but don’t let that fool you. Emma is know for not backing down and usually getting herself in trouble against foes who are much bigger.
Snowy nights, writing verses!
The word “Lil”, Mumble rapping.
Detailed Personality
Emma is quite the nice pony as she’s always interested in meeting and learning about others! But at the same time she has quite a short fuse, it doesn’t take a lot before Emma throws a few hooves and says some rather rude things. She is also quite defensive of her friends but sometimes is a bit awkward when it comes to certain boundaries. As she doesn’t understand that she can’t just go anywhere she wants.
She dropped out around 11th grade.
Detailed History
Emma - Soon™
Synth - He is a very smol and shy Changeling that rarely speaks. To the point to where many believe that he is mute! He mainly makes beats and gets samples for Emma’s Tracks and such, he doesn’t go outside much due to his shyness and he’s super talented on a Piano.
Honuth - A rather huge black feathered gryphon who owns a small recording studio and his own record label and is basically Emma’s boss. Emma was one of the first and only people he has signed so far as he just started the r... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Emma is quite poor living in a very small apartment with her mother. Which is located in the grittier part of Manehattan.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Good at rhyming.
Can speak/say tongue twisters very fast at times.
Tough as an Ox.
Basic Info
Last Login:
December 16, 2018
Member Since:
January 2, 2018
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