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Shadow Bell

Female. Lives in Hell babyyyy,  Limbo,  Beyond Equestria. Born on October 31
by on August 23, 2018
Lexi Morgan had a dream. She was walking up a dark staircase and when she got to the top, she walked into a bedroom. The bedroom carpet was made up of large squares that looked like trapdoors. And each of the windows was fastened shut with big nails that stuck up out of the wood. In her dream, Lexi went to sleep in the bedroom, but during the night, a woman with a pale face, black eyes and long black hair slipped silently into the room. She leaned over the bed and whispered, “This is an evil ...
383 views 2 likes
by on August 22, 2018
When a farmer’s cow stopped giving milk, he called the local vet. “I can’t find a thing wrong with that cow,” the vet said, puzzled. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say some witch has cast a spell on her.” The farmer and the vet both laughed. ...
385 views 5 likes
by on July 10, 2018
Oh how I feel for the snow white swan As her heart beats in three different ways And her head cluttered with fantasies That throw her to such a daze ...
332 views 3 likes
by on July 9, 2018
Come now you human child Dive into the deep blue wild There is so much more for you to find So leave your life on land behind Go deep beneath the waves ...
322 views 3 likes
by on June 27, 2018
What a lonely little night To which the wind shall blow my velvet curtain I will hear the spirits moaning Into which I am uncertain ...
285 views 2 likes
by on June 24, 2018
These songs slap, you're welcome. Til the Casket Drops - ZZ Ward Last Love Song - ZZ Ward 365 Days - ZZ Ward ...
346 views 1 like