Misc. RP Information
Literally everything I say is absolutely satire unless I'm being nice :) All art is by me. I tend to write a lot, but I can also control myself and adapt to the other. :) All my role-plays, if executed well, will probably be canon towards Halcyon's life.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Just about anywhere.
Title(s) / Rank
Former follower of Chrysalis.
Skin / Coat Color
Light orange on glamor form, light green on changeling.
Eye Color
Yellow on glamor, light blue on changeling.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
I really don't know. He's a changeling. He just makes shit up everytime he goes on his disguise.
Flying, learning, drinking water
Insects that buzz
Detailed Personality
Halcyon is a changeling who is simply learning how the world of Equestria works when he's not constantly under the command to destroy it. He's going to be clueless with a lot of the things he sees, but he finds joy in discovering it. Sometimes he can be blunt, but overall, he's a very vivid stallion to be around. There'll be times where he's talkative, but most of the time he just likes to observe and learn. He's also a huge fan of big manes, which is why he decided to make his pony version a bi... View More
Currently unemployed. :(
Changeling Kingdom
Since his life was mostly devoted towards destroying Equestria, he's got a lot to learn. That being said, he's REALLY late on learning stuff. Math is a foreign language to him, while Science seriously makes no sense. Magic study is just crazy stupid and he finds history to be the most worthless thing ever. However, he's still driven to learning about Equestria and following the normal lifestyle's hoofsteps.He goes to Velvet Hooves University.
Detailed History
He once served Chrysalis then the MLP Friendship is Magic happened and now he's reconsidered his actions. He's not reformed tho. During his time there, he met his first friend who served as a great source of love and friendship. His name was Dusk, and he worked in Velvet Hooves University, the place where he studied. From there, their friendship grew more and more, and surprisingly he found trust to let Dusk in on the secret that he's a changeling. Of course, Dusk accepts him for who he is and t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
What's a job lol
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He's a very persistent learner.
He can transform into anyone he desires! However it's just illusionary. He can't transform into a big dude and have his strength, he just looks like him. He'll always be frail and weak.He does know some levitation though, but it's really basic.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 28, 2000
Last Login:
February 5, 2025
Member Since:
May 12, 2020
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