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Holly Heart

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on January 19, 1998
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Blue green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Heart with Wings
Detailed Personality
She is very kind towards other and is always trying to make those she cares about smile. She puts her heart in to the things she loves doing. She can have moments where she lets her emotions get the better of her but she knows when to say sorry and always says it when she knows she is in the wrong. She would rather suffer herself than to see those she cares about suffer. Sometimes, she puts the happiness of others over her own. She can also be a bit stubborn at times but she doesn't do it to be ... View More
Detailed History
Holly grew up in Las pegasus with her mom and dad. When she was a filly, her parents divorced and she ended up living with her mom for most of her life. She graduated high school in canterlot and started working in a theater for a while, she then moved to a produce stall and now works with young fillies and Colts.
When she working at the theater, she met her first SSP and thought he was the one. But she was very young and naïve, they both were. 2 years later and a few job changes, they decided t... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 19, 1998
Last Login:
February 13, 2025
Member Since:
April 5, 2023
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